Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Denver Doldrums: Surviving Bad Weather with a Smile


Surviving Bad Weather with a Smile

If you've been anywhere near Denver lately, you know the past few days have been a wild ride through Mother Nature's repertoire of unpleasant weather tricks. Yesterday was super cold and windy, the kind of day that makes you question your decision to ever leave the comfort of your heated blankets. And today? Well, it's a different flavor of miserable. We’re talking really cold, overcast, and not quite as windy as yesterday, but still capable of knocking your favorite hat into the next county.

Yesterday: Windy Woes

Let's talk about yesterday first. Imagine stepping outside and being immediately greeted by an icy gust that makes you feel like a human popsicle. The kind of wind that gets up close and personal with your face and finds every crevice in your clothes. I’m pretty sure I saw a squirrel hang-gliding across the street at one point, its little arms outstretched, cheeks puffed out, and an expression that said, "Hold on to your acorns, fellas!"

In all seriousness, though, with weather like that, heading out with a camera seemed like an extreme sport. The trees were bending, the birds were scarce, and the clouds were rolling across the sky like they were on a mission to cover every last ray of sunshine. Finding anything to photograph that wouldn't end up blurry or half-blown away was next to impossible.

Today: The Overcast Outlook

Today isn't much better. It’s really cold and overcast, with the clouds draped like a grey wool blanket over the city. The wind still lingers, but now it’s playing hard-to-get, sticking around just enough to whip the occasional leaf past your face but not enough to impress you with its previous fury. If you could see the sun through the haze, you'd know it's just a dim bulb hanging somewhere far off in the sky.

With this dreary lighting, going out for a shoot feels more like hunting for Bigfoot—you know there’s beauty out there somewhere, but good luck finding it. The light is flat, colors seem muted, and the landscape appears in grayscale, except for the occasional car passing by with headlights slicing through the fog like some kind of mobile lighthouse.

Not Ideal for Photography

Days like these are when photographers must summon their inner creative MacGyver and find ways to keep their creative fires burning despite Mother Nature’s best efforts to put them out. You could bundle up and brave the elements, but you'd risk ending up with wind-chapped cheeks and a bunch of photos that look like a digital interpretation of The Blair Witch Project.

So instead of freezing your fingers off trying to snap the perfect shot, consider these alternative activities for staying productive on bad-weather days:

  1. Edit Past Photos: Now's a good time to dive into your photo archive and start editing all those shots you promised yourself you'd get around to someday. There's no better moment than a dreary day to find beauty in what you've already captured.

  2. Learn New Techniques: Why not use the time to watch tutorials on new editing techniques, composition tips, or even gear reviews? The more knowledge you have, the more you'll be prepared when the weather improves.

  3. Write: There's always a story behind each photo, so why not write them down? Whether it’s an anecdote about how you almost lost your lens cap to a rogue squirrel or a thoughtful reflection on what inspires you to shoot certain landscapes, it's worth capturing in words.

  4. Plan Future Shoots: Look at the weather forecast (or at least pretend to be hopeful) and plan where you'll go once the sun returns. Plot out potential locations, the best times to visit, and any new angles you might want to explore.

  5. Get Crafty: Experiment with indoor photography like macro shots of household objects or still-life compositions. You might be surprised at the beauty you can find right under your nose.

Finding Humor in the Gloom

Of course, when the weather hands you lemons, you can always make lemonade. Or, in this case, make jokes. After all, if you can't laugh at a Colorado spring behaving like a spoiled winter, you'll end up staring at your cloudy window with a scowl all day.

Like when your neighbors are out walking their dogs, bundled up like Arctic explorers, and you wave at them from your window while still in your pajamas. Or when the local coffee shop offers free delivery to the couch because they know nobody’s venturing out. Or how you realize you don’t need to go to a theme park to enjoy the thrill of a rollercoaster when the wind practically blows you down the block.

Closing Thoughts

So, while the weather has been less than ideal for going out with the camera, there’s still plenty of ways to stay inspired and creative. Whether it’s finding humor in the chill, revisiting old photos, or simply plotting future adventures once the clouds part, the key is to keep your spirits up and your creativity flowing. After all, those missed photo ops today will make the clear days that much sweeter.

Until then, I’m going to enjoy a steaming cup of cocoa, my warmest blanket, and a good photo tutorial or two. Stay safe, stay warm, and if you manage to snap any great shots from your window, do share! Let’s get through this together, one gust of wind at a time.

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